Our highly efficient Solar Power Inverter Units have 2 modes of operation:
- Solar mode: helps minimize electricity bill
- Normal mode: to maximize power availability
The load is automatically powered from either the inverter or the grid depending on the availability of solar energy and status of the battery. Similarly, the grid charger/solar charger comes ON depending on the battery charge status and availability of solar energy. The solar charger is prioritized over the grid charger always.
Sun Charge
DSP MICRO CONTROLLER BASED SOLAR PURE SUNCHARGE HYBRID PCU is designed using latest state-of-the-art Technology for Better Performance and High Reliability. The Solar Sun Charge Technology used, enhances the life of the battery and minimum effort has to be put for maintenance.

High Performance PWM based
iSolar PCU Inverter
OKAYA PWM (Plus Width Modulation) -based Solar PCUs are perfect for small-scale solar installations. With their exceptional performance and cost-effectiveness, they ensure the efficient conversion of solar energy into electricity.
These PCUs are ideal for powering homes, small offices, and other low-power applications.
High Performance MPPT based
iSolar PCU Inverter
OKAYA MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking)-based Solar Off-Grid Hybrid PCU is India's Best and is perfect for all type of Power requirements. It works both as a normal Long Backup UPS as wel as Of-Grid Solar System because it can charge batteries through Grid as wei as Solar. Solar Panels generate DC electrioly, which goes into Batteries through MPPT Solar Charger in PCU.
The PCU has in-built Solar Management Unit which ensures that correct charge is delivered to the Batteries.